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The Curse Of Ancient Egyptians Pharaohs

The Curse Of Ancient Egyptians Pharaohs

It has been said that a strong sandstorm erupted around the tomb of Tutankhamen in the day it was opened; a falcon was seen flying over the cemetery, where it is known to be a sacred symbols by the pharaohs.  And what was caused by the grave of the young king Tutankhamen is death fortieth scientists and researchers, and perhaps this is what made this cemetery the source of the Pharaonic curse. All those who touched the grave chased death and died one after the other, and that the cemetery was not touched and reaching us after thirty-three centuries intact and complete.

 Series of curses The cemetery was discovered by two Englishmen were Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon and began years of agony, sweat and despair.. On November 6, 1922.

 The first launch of the curse of the pharaohs what happened to the canary, which he brought with him Carter to Cairo, from a cobra snake to kill him, as there snake cobra on the crown which is placed over the head statues of the kings of Egypt.

 At the official ceremony opening the cemetery suffered a mysterious fever Lord Carnarvon did not find her explanation of one of the doctors, and in the middle of the night just died the Lord in Cairo, The strangest thing is that the electricity was interrupted in Cairo without any apparent reason in the same moment of death.

 Have been linked to newspapers Cairo between the death of the Lord and turn off the lights and it argued that it was ordered by King Tut, and said some newspapers that the finger of the Lord was wounded by machine or spear poisoned inside the cemetery and that the poison is strong evidence that it retained its influence three thousand years, and said that some kind of bacteria grown within cemetery carry the disease and death, and in Paris, said astronomer to Ansilan, I have avenged Tutankhamun.

 Also been infected most of the participants in the celebration, and most of the deaths were due to these mysterious fever with delirium and tremors lead to death, died secretary of Howard Carter, without any reason and then committed suicide and his father, saddened him, and during the funeral of Secretary Das horse pulling a cart the coffin a young child, killing him.

 And wounded many of those who contributed in one way or another in the discovery of the cemetery and some of them committed suicide, insanity, without any reason, which puzzled the archaeologists who found themselves in a puzzle for which there is no explanation.

 Scientific explanation:

It is scientifically interpreted by some scholars to the curse of the Pharaohs as a occurs as a result of exposure of people who open pharaonic tombs for a heavy dose of radon is a radioactive gases, and despite the fact that radon gas inert chemically and is charged shipment power it with radioactivity, ie, it decomposes automatically a product atoms dust from other radioactive elements, and these items are charged a shipment Alternator, and can attach to atoms of dust in the atmosphere, and when Atnevsha rights, they stick to the wall of the lungs, and in turn, degradation to other elements, and during this degradation radiate a kind of radiation called alpha radiation, the nucleus helium atom, a type of ionizing radiation that causes ionization of any living cells, which leads to destruction as a result of the destruction of the DNA of these cells DNA -, and be the first step that leads to lung cancer, and cause of death after that.

 A myth:

 Was considered by many archaeologists that the curse of the pharaohs This is just a myth and deaths that have occurred can not be more than coincidence and the proof of this is the "Howard Carter" the owner of detection for the tomb of the pharaoh, "Tutankhamen," which did not happen to him any harm.

And the return of the curse of the pharaohs recently released a new book by researcher archaeological Mohammed Atta, which listed a range of exciting stories he encountered during his tourist guide which is read by some as «the curse» of the curses of the Pharaohs, also discussed the book several interpretations of «scientific» what can be called a curse, The presentation of the diseases suffered by archaeologists over the last hundred years, which make some people classify error as symptoms of the curse of the pharaohs, which it infects by dealing direct daily within archaeological sites, ancient Egyptian, and among these reasons, scattering poison inside the tombs to protect them from the ornaments, gold and tools used by the deceased in the other world, as well as microbes and bacteria which remain dormant over thousands of years that the cemetery is opened.

 Hawass and the curse of the Pharaohs The first time that I think the d. Zahi Hawass, Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities the existence of "the curse of the Pharaohs" is what happened in Luxor when he went to investigate the cause of the death of King Tutankhamun, where he took a CT scan to examine the mummy and when he started in the procedures of examination of the mummy and has put them on something like a table-stop-ray machine completely.

 Based on my knowledge, explained Hawass, the mystery of a curse that the mummies inside the graves as a result of closure of thousands of years formed the germs and microbes are enormous and invisible, so Valmkchw die immediately once exposed to the toxins, indicating that when you open a cemetery is to lift the lid and leave the cemetery open for several days until we replace the rotten fresh air.

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